A lot of this week has consisted of sitting atop the Cafe Taino on the Doulos Discovery Campus.  Some of that time has been diligently working and some has been dedicated to catching up with old friends.  The view from this perch is something else.  When people ask what we miss our answer is undoubtedly people but the runner-up answer is definitely the views.

Doulos campus is a beautiful place, for the faces and the views.  The campus is centered around a botanical garden with a giant mango tree situated smack in the middle.  A place of peace in the midst of a noisy town.  Sitting up here sets my soul at ease.  It is the same as before and it is new again.

Our visit to the DR is wrapping up.  This was our last full day on campus at Doulos.  Tomorrow we are hoping to spend the day up at the coffee farm, although Tropical Storm Sandy might have something different to say about that.  It has been raining steady for the last two days which will make it difficult (but not impossible) to get up to the farm.  We are reminded that we do not actually live here any more as we attempt to make plans without cellphones or our own modes of transport.  It has been a good re-learning of needing people.

Grace, peace, and porches.